No, I am not having twins. But some lady I don't even know at work decided to ask me if I "is". [sigh]. This will all be over soon, I keep on reassuring myself of that fact. Not much is new since I last wrote, I'm still tired and puffy but excited about our future bundle of (crying and pooping) joy. I went to the pool this morning for a couple hours, I purposely went early enough to avoid throngs of people. The water is still a bit cooler than I'd normally prefer but it felt glorious!! Plus, my feet are at about a 50% puff-level now and I can somewhat make out ankle bones again too! Am I comfortable in a bathing suit? No. Am I ever? Same answer, duh! Luckily, I have a one-piece that still somewhat accommodates the burgeoning belly. I had to wear a bikini top under it to add some much-needed support but otherwise I think things could've been much worse. I put on sunscreen and I'm definitely not burned but the white stripes where the bathing suit straps were indicate that I did get a little color today and some much needed vitamin D.
I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday, everything is progressing fine and Joe wanted me to ask if he could cut the umbilical cord when it was time and the doc said it probably would be fine - assuming all was going well. I'm not sure if I mentioned but there are two doctors in the office I go to. The guy doctor is much more formal than the lady, I hope she will be the delivering doctor since she seems to be a much warmer person but I'm confident that either will do a fine job.
Since Izaak's arrival is fast-approaching, I finally tried to get on the ball and sign up for a tour of the hospital. I called last Saturday and asked what we needed to do and the lady said that they absolutely do NOT give tours to people who just walk in off the street due to security reasons and that they only had one opening on June 2nd for a two-hour tour. Since I'm clearly a poor listener, we stopped by the hospital under the guise of submitting some pre-admittance paperwork later that afternoon and were offered an informal tour of the birthing wing by the lady I tried to give my paperwork to. June 2nd might've been fine but it seems awfully close to my due date and who knows when my little kicker will make his grand entrance so we were very appreciative of the nurse who showed us around. It should help make the actual day a little less overwhelming. I got a bill in the mail already from the hospital too. I was under the impression that my insurance would be paying for 90% of my hospital costs yet they've already let me know that I'm going to need to pay over $800 when I walk in the hospital doors. Ouch. I think I'd like an itemized bill please, maybe we can cut some corners on extra blankets or a pudding cup or something??
Also, along the same hospital vein, is it odd that I don't want visitors in the hospital right after shooting out a baby? I realize people would be coming to see the baby but we'll be back home in a very short amount of time! I've never had to spend any time in a hospital bed previously but I just feel that I'll be better equipped for visitors once I've arrived at home. I'm fairly sure that I'm going to be an exhausted wreck and little guy will be just as (or even more) precious a day or two later. I don't know how everything is going to play out, I just dread adding stress where it's not needed! I might be fine with visitors after a little bit, it'll depend on how things are going, who knows!
We picked up a bouncer seat thingy from a Craigslist ad last week, it's the one pictured at the top of this blog. It's at least 50 bucks in stores and is way too adorable! The one we got is used but you can barely tell, everything works (and it came with the (4) D batteries it requires too, I might add!!), and it was only $15. It's tough to justify spending a bunch of money on baby gadgets that our kiddo may or may not even like. I have high hopes for this one at any rate though! Speaking of baby-stuff-shopping, I've got some odds and ends to pick up and was trying to motivate myself out the door when I sat down to write this. I'm also considering getting a pedicure while I'm out with all the money I saved on the bouncer, hahaha :)
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