There have been some complaints about a lack of "belly" pictures. WELL... FINE! My belly button looks pretty weird so there are no pics that show much skin (trust me, it's for the best!!) but here are a couple from today and yesterday with typical work attire:
I did mention that I've expanded to astronomical proportions at this point, right?! |
Am I really THAT huge? Why yes, yes I suppose that I am. |
Joe has done his best to stay caught up with me... he IS puffing his belly out a bit here but we may need to cut down on some calories after bambino's arrival... |
And a parting shot with Joe sneaking Hudsy in the picture :) |
Joe and I have been doing some more SUV searching. It's been frustrating, to say the least. For very automobile make and model out there, somebody has felt wronged and mistreated and they are sure to post online how pissed they are about it. I have a 2010 Nissan Sentra and I love it! It hasn't occurred to me to post online in a forum that I've had no problems with "Brown Betty", I love all the sweet bells and whistles that she offers and that she purrs like a kitten. Out of curiosity, I googled my make and model and discovered that there are people who've apparently not had the same luck with theirs. There weren't a ton of complaints but it's kinda scary that you can't really know exactly what you're getting yourself into with such a large purchase. Luckily, we're not hard-pressed to pick something right away and can leisurely shop and hopefully find something reasonably priced that we both really like.
Izaak has been squirming and jabbing today but a little more subdued than the past couple of days. I think he's running out of room to get much momentum out of his punches and kicks, hahaha! I've been rocking a monster headache today. I think it's a combo sinus/tension thing. I tried laying down for awhile after work but couldn't get comfortable enough to take a nap. I've been a little stressed about getting everything taken care of before the baby gets here. I'm also a bit miffed that I'm not going to be able to work from home for a month or two after his arrival like I had thought I'd be able. I detest the thought of putting him in daycare around 8 weeks old, but it looks like that's the way it's going to need to be. I do have the option to take off a little more time without pay from work or I can cut my hours for awhile, my boss is willing to work with me on it and isn't pushing for a decision right this second, fortunately. And Joe and I need to do some daycare tours. I'd prefer to find a place that's learning oriented besides the obvious babysitting tasks of feeding and diaper changes. I know 2 months old is pretty young to pick up a whole lot (Calculus and Latin may be out of the picture at this point) but I feel that every little bit counts!!
Let's end this post on a happy note. Today's good news is that my sister got the job she was going for as a high school English teacher in our old hometown, starting this fall! It's at the rival high school, mind you, but seeing as she'd been eking out her living by working a couple of part time jobs the past year, this is joyous news!! Maybe she'll be able to scrape together a couple bucks and come out to meet her nephew in the near future?! Zeke is doing his best to be directly in my way right now, I think he's trying to tell me to wrap this up and perhaps go snuggle with him on the couch. He keeps on pawing at the screen and "helping" me type things on the keyboard. Very helpful, as always!
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