We had 2 packages left by the door today, the Pack 'N Play we ordered last weekend and Izaak's first piece of mail, all the way from San Diego! My Aunt Jordana and cousins Alex and Eve very thoughtfully picked out the CUTEST Paul Frank hoodie for him with my favorite character, Skurvy, printed all over!! I think he can sense my excitement and is doing flips in response :)
According to a gadget on my iGoogle page, I have 100 days of pregnancy left - still sounds to me like a long time but I’m sure it will fly by. Today, I felt what I think were Izaak’s hiccups for the first time! According to the internet, this is a normal, common occurrence that starts around 7 months. By the way, what did moms-to-be do before the wonders of the internet? I have a couple books to peruse (thanks, Lori!) but I don’t know that I’d find all the info I want from just books. I am very spoiled by the ease of access to the internet’s wealth of knowledge (even though sifting through the abundant misinformation is a pain). And shopping! It is so much more convenient to shop online and read reviews prior to picking something out. I may ultimately buy most things in a store but I like knowing where I can get the best deal and that I’ve made a good decision on a product.
Last night, while enjoying some quality couch-lounging/tv-watching, I was leaning to the side a bit and had my arm draped over my belly. I’m used to feeling quite a bit of baby wiggles and jabs so I don’t always pay attention to all of them but out of the blue, my elbow started moving up and down because it was getting karate-chopped from within! Between the baby's aerobics and one of our cats (Hudson), I haven’t been getting very solid sleep. Hudsy decides way too often that he needs to acquire some affection from me, usually around 3 or 4am, and stomps on me with his 16-lb body and head-butts me until I wake up. We may need to relocate the litter box somewhere other than our bathroom and lock the cats out of our room at night. I'd hate to punish my sweet snuggler, Zeke, for Hudsy the Headbutt-er's bad behavior but I need every bit of sleep I can get!
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