Thursday, March 24, 2011

28 Weeks + 4 Days and Fred Flintstone Feet!

It's so baffling for me to consider that I'm hosting a new human right now. Totally mind-boggling. Somehow, the fact that I will be "Mom" to someone is still a bit surreal to me. This experience is so amazing and impossible to describe. I mean, obviously SOMETHING is going on other than indigestion in my belly!! and seeing the sonogram pictures (by the way, I will post the new ones as soon as I get the new printer/scanner figured out) and hearing the heartbeat has made a difference but I don't think the full gravity of the situation is going to sink in until he's actually here, in person, in our lives. And as time draws closer to his arrival, I realize more and more how unprepared we are! I am trying to keep anxiety to a minimum by reminding myself that there is no handbook, we are better informed than a good deal of the world's population, and don't forget about good intentions!! I've been arming myself with information via reading anything I can get my hands on and gathering advice from those who've gone down this path before me. 

Let's see, what's new in baby-land... I didn't hear anything back from the lab at the doctor's office about my glucose test and no news is seemingly good news - as long as they didn't forget to cal!! Other than that, things are largely the same. I'm a tired, clumsy, and forgetful human furnace and my feet resemble Fred Flintstone's. I definitely look pregnant rather than just flabby, which is at least somewhat comforting. I am sometimes tempted to be mischievous when strangers asks me when I'm due - I've thought about acting really offended, proclaim: "What do you mean?!",  and storm off as if I were just in possession of a nice, round belly. I suppose it's good that I haven't been quite that cruel... yet ;) I'm getting more used to Izaak's squirms and punch/kicks. I hear that as he gets bigger and has less space in which to do his acrobatics - the punches will have less oomph behind them. The doctor asked me to mentally record at least 10 fetal movements in an hour, every day. Usually takes less than 5 minutes! Izaak was 2 lbs, 11 oz already at last week's sonogram, and he's positioned head-down, which I gather is a good thing? Still so in the dark with how everything is supposed to be!

As far what "stuff" we still need to pick up... how much stuff does such a tiny thing really need?! The short answer: A lot. I've been picking up a box or two of diapers here and there but have held off on buying any wipes and bathing products until we figure out if he has allergies and/or sensitive skin (like his mother tends to have). It would be nice to have 1 oz samples of a bunch of different shampoos, soaps, lotions, etc and sample packs of every diaper out there so we can figure out what works for him. I'm starting to understand why people have baby showers too, all this stuff adds up! We don't have one planned - Joe and I each have about 3 friends down here so it wouldn't make for much of a party anyhow. One of the top items on my list right now is picking up a diaper pail, I think we're going with one made by Arm & Hammer but there's a couple other ones that look like they could work too. I also need to get on the ball and pick out at least one diaper bag. I know we'll need two eventually, one for daycare and one for schlepping stuff around otherwise. And I need to start thinking about what I'm going to pack in my hospital bag. I have been provided with a very helpful and organized spreadsheet from my dear friend, Lori, who's adorable little girl is about 9 months old already! Other soon-to-dos: find a dresser/changing table, pick out our munchkin's pediatrician, and a find a daycare for when I have to go back to work.

J.O.B. (we all know it stands for "just over broke", right?)
I've been pretty much working on the same project, a gigantically huge tech manual, since I started my job last October. It's becoming an issue of "can't see the forrest for all the trees"! There's not much that I can give for particulars other than it's already at 670 pages, it's set in Arial 12 pt type, and probably will be larger still - upon completion. The manual is due on April 8th but we know there will be revisions in the future so it's the project that will never end.... it goes on and on, my friends! I feel very fortunate to be employed and to have benefits and such but some days, I just don't want to go in!! The weather has been so beautiful and can't… stop… yawning…. 

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