A small, local brewery called "Coast" has beer tastings on Saturdays, and we decided to stop by last Saturday. Participants can enjoy up to 4 samples - each sample is only 4 oz so you're not getting totally sloshed or anything. One can also procure a growler fill or large bottle of their favorite brew for a modest price. It's not uncommon to see kids at the brewery (it's smoke-free inside, there's sidewalk chalk available too) and it wasn't the first time we've brought Izaak either. This time however, another new mother was present with her little kiddo in tow... and his name was Isaac! And he was born one day before our Izaak, and he was the same weight AND height at birth!! Our little multi-chinned prince outweighs their's by about half a pound now but what are the chances that you'd run into another baby with so many similarities.... at a brewery!??! We probably should've played the lottery that day.
In other news, I've finished sending out the birth announcements! My next project is selling some stuff on Craiglist that I no longer need or use. What a pain it is trying to explain to people that I have no intention of driving across town to practically give away whatever it is I posted. You want it, come and get it!! I sold my bike today, it was taking up space and just didn't agree with me. I could almost hear it arguing with me! I had bought it off of Craiglist originally and only used it a couple times. I also donated two large garbage bags of clothing to the Goodwill last week. My idea is to
simplify. Somehow, I've acquired a ridiculous amount of clothes, shoes, and accessories. Its rather pathetic that as I attempt to organize a closet or something, I find all sorts of things that I had completely forgotten about! Apparently, I no longer need to go shopping, but don't tell Joe I said that!!
Ending posts with pictures is always a good idea, enjoy!
Couldn't remember if I had posted this or not,
I believe this was from the day we came home from the hospital :) |
Extra chins = Extra charm! |
Love his goofy grin!! |
Sitting up, like a big boy! |
Not too steady, but getting stronger daily! |
Cute new outfit, courtesy of Jessica Markham! |
Belly laughter! |
Woof!! (Love hooded attire - especially if they have ears!!) |
Another attempt at "sitting"... |
Hi! |
Hamming it up, per usual :) |
First attempt at sitting in the Bumbo chair... |
"Hey, this is kind of fun!" |
"Uh, now what?" |
"Okay, not too sure about this..." |
"Daddy makes for a wonderful chair!" |
"Oh no! My favorite sleep 'n play outfit is getting quite snug!!" |
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