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Latest "school picture" Oct 2012 |
I've been terribly busy trying to sort out details for my wedding to Izaak's "da-dah" and haven't been keeping up with his blog. It's been over two months since the proposal and I think we've only got the photographer figured out. The issue isn't lack of research and determination, it's an issue with me committing to one venue and being able to figure out what our best option is balancing it financially with consideration for "cool factor". We'd really like to have a unique, charming location to share our big day with our family and friends. I'd be fine with skipping all the hoopla and going to the courthouse to get our marriage certificate and a quick service from the justice of the peace but a big party sounds fun as well. Plus, it gives us an excuse to get some out-of-towners out here to see where we live these days. It will be the first time that Izaak gets to meet most everyone!
Izaak is doing great, we had to switch daycares but his teacher at the old place moved to the same daycare he's at now too so it was great to have her there to help him transition. He seems to really like the new place and we like how involved he is in art projects and activities! His daily reports usually tell that he's had a great day and he's not constantly in time-out anymore. They put him in a class appropriate for his size/skills/activity level instead of how old he is. And speaking of age, he's 17 months old already, nearly a year and a half! He's still in the 75+ percentile for his measurements, according to his last dr visit. I was thinking of it the other day while folding his laundry and determined that we've gone through 5 whole wardrobes since he was born. That's insane! If I was a little less neurotic, he would've had less clothing and wouldn't have known the difference. Luckily, I'm a thrifty shopper but can't honestly say that I haven't spent more than I should on baby clothes. OOPS! I guess there are worse things I could be guilty of at least.
Besides being a brute, Izaak has been expanding his vocabulary and is becoming more interested in books. He doesn't have a lot of words that he's consistent with using other than: "no", "nose", "shoe", "muh-muh", "da-dah", and did I mention "NO"? He imitates other words here and there and does plenty of Izee-babble, which is equal parts adorable and hilarious. He still has a talent for hitting his head off things and is in the process of giving me a head-full of gray hair from his climbing on things and jumping/falling off things that he's climbed on. I blame his daddy for the dare-devil tendencies! It's getting more difficult to get non-blurry pics of him anymore also, he's constantly on the go. We're starting to see a little bit of picky eating though he still puts down food like a professional, given the right options (dinosaur chicken nuggets, yogurt, and mandarin oranges, yes! yes!! yes!!!).
For Halloween this year, we went trick-or-treating with him for the first time and walked around the neighborhood with his friend Lilly, who was dressed as the cutest little owl ever! We brought with his Radio Flyer wagon and Lilly enjoyed it way more than he did! We didn't get too fancy with his costume, he doesn't like wearing anything like hoods or hats on his head and we wanted him to be comfortable so we went with a one-piece skeleton outfit. We only hit up a couple houses but I think he had a good time and we have a couple pictures to show from it so, totally worth it! I had a homemade Dorothy outfit and store-bought, terribly uncomfortable ruby slippers while Joe and Lilly's mom, Stephanie, were smarter and wore normal clothes. We also carved pumpkins with the kiddo this year, Joe wielding the sharp tools and Izaak examining the pumpkin guts with a stick. I thought he'd be interested in touching the slimy innards but the look on his face would've told anyone otherwise. Joe carved a small, traditional faced-pumpkin for Izaak and we got a little more creative with the other bigger pumpkin I had picked up. Spray painted it gold, then I drew in an outline of an owl silhouette in a full-moon while sitting on a branch which Joe used wood-carving tools to shave off the surface so there'd be more of a glow rather than bright light shining through. Both were fun and turned out great! We went to Boone Hall's pumpkin patch and enjoyed their hay ride and corn maze this year too!!
I'll try to add some more pictures when I can get to it, I've been adding them to Shutterfly, Facebook, etc but nothing is organized. Story of my life!!