Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not feeling well

I will cut to the chase first, then give the back story: Joe brought Izaak to the pediatrician first thing this morning and it turns out he has double ear infections and RSV. L

As it turns out, Izaak did make it all day at daycare yesterday but I think they really should’ve called us to come get him early. We got there around 430, as usual, and he was still in his crib napping (way past naptime) and first thing I saw was a rash on his face. I asked right away if they had noticed and the teacher was like, well, I thought that was from him sleeping on his face or something. Then she tells me that he’s been sleeping nearly all day and coughing really hard (she wasn’t in there most of the day, the other teacher had marked down all the times he had been asleep and left a note about the coughing). Plus he had loose stools and didn’t want to eat his breakfast, barely ate lunch and didn’t want a snack. Uh, that kid is usually a good eater, hello! Red flag!? They call us when he’s barely got a teething fever but don’t call when he’s totally not acting at all himself?? So, at that point, the doctor’s office is closed and we have to wait until the morning to get him in for an appt.

[Side Note: he clearly wasn’t feeling great, but we didn’t feel he was bad off enough to go to the ER, still no fever and the rash (which covered his torso and face) didn’t seem to bother him. He’s also been grumpy but we’ve been attributing that to his teething.]

We had already decided that Joe was going to take him to the doctor in the morning (I am reeeeeeally short on time off) and we’re tired of swapping the carseat between cars so we stopped and got a new carseat for Joe’s car last night too. Sure, I could’ve driven Joe’s car and let him take mine, but his brakes feel funny and I really hate driving it so I gladly bought the new carseat.

Izaak slept pretty well last night, I got up with him a couple times, but just to give him his binky and cover him back up again. He still had the rash in the morning though it was less pronounced, he’s still snotty, and very very very irritable, particularly about being on his changing table. Diapering a baby that won’t lay on his back is not an easy task. I’m not happy about being at work when I’ve got a sick little one at home. I hope he’ll be able to fly next week. It would suck to have to cancel our trip and the airfare is non-refundable too. According to Joe, the doc says Izaak should be ok to fly but needs to have a follow-up appt on Wednesday to make sure he’s doing better. She wasn’t concerned by the rash, she said it probably flared up as result of the virus.

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