He's here!! Maddox Leo Niedzwecki was born two days past his due date, at around 4am on December 10th. He weighed in at 9lbs 3oz (Izaak was 8lbs 7oz) and 20.5" in length (Izaak was about the same at 20"). Labor was much quicker this time around, so quick in fact that the nurses were still doing paperwork to get me signed into the hospital after his grand entrance and while he was snugling on my chest. A noteable tidbit (to me anyhow): I wasn't able to have the epidural that I had counted on. OUCH! The back labor and intense pain was worth it though, Maddox is absolutley wonderful and the perfect addition to our family. Though he's not quite accustomed to NOT being the center of attention at all times, Izaak is so excited to be a big "brudder". They are almost exactly 3.5 years apart, seems like a good span. I'm really looking forward to them being able to play and interact with each other. Happy family!