Wednesday, March 28, 2012


1st Encounter with the Easter Bunny!
I think that particular Easter Bunny is terribly creepy looking... and reaaaaaalllly tall! Izaak LOVED him though and was all smiles and giggles :) I had to take the day off work because he wasn't allowed to go to preschool that day due to a fever he spiked the afternoon before - most likely caused by teething. I don't have much vacation time to burn but we had a great day!! I wish I could spend every Wednesday (well, every day, really) with him! We met up with Joe at the mall for lunch and I figured we might as well get some bunny pictures while we were there.

Monday, March 26, 2012

9-Month Update!

St.Patrick's Day coincides with Izaak's 9 month birthday, how convenient!
And he is a little bit Irish too, btw :)
Izaak’s 9-month appt was last week and I’m happy to report that it went very well. While still on the large side for his age, he's finally out of the 90% range. He weighed in at 22lbs, 10oz, and he was nearly 28in tall. The doctor answered our laundry list of questions and it turns out that we were already doing most everything right (surprisingly!). We did find out that he had recently outgrown his infant carrier carseat that we were still trying to cram him in (you mean his legs aren’t supposed to hang over the edge like that??) so we switched the big kid seat from Joe’s car (we had used it maybe two times in Joe’s car??) into my car as soon as we got home from the appointment. The problem with it is that it’s gigantic and I can’t reach to pop the binky back in his crying little mouth while I’m driving or hold his hand to soothe him when it’s just Izaak and I in the car anymore. Maybe those things aren’t 100% safe while driving anyhow but it’s better than having a wailing baby the entire way home from the grocery store. I’ve seriously had to pull over and get out of the car and into the backseat to get the binky back in, then he spits it out as soon as I get back on the road. Not. Cool. This isn’t always the case, he’s usually a pretty happy-go-lucky little dude, but it seems to happen when he’s really tired and/or hungry - when a little hand-holding would usually calm him down until he could fall asleep or would suffice until we got home for a bottle.

New carseat.
Yay. More stuff to put on Craigslist: Stroller/carseat combo, matching Pack ‘N Play, Rainforest bouncer seat, baby Bjorn carrier. It’s crazy how much money we spend on all this stuff, especially considering how short of a time frame it’s actually able to be used!! Izaak has slowed his growing pace at least a little so maybe we’ll be able to use the clothes he’s in now for a little while longer. 

We’ve also come to the conclusion that Izaak may be trying to get his top front teeth in, he’s been a drooling maniac and kinda moody, along with fierce chomping on anything he can get his little paws on. I can’t feel any hard spots on his gums yet but I don’t leave my fingers in his mouth for very long either, those bottom two teeth are sharp!! He’s trying to stand on his own now too which is hilarious. He gets his feet on the ground and straightens his legs while pushing up with his hands--also on the ground--leaving a cute little tush in the air. Shortly thereafter he folds or tips over, of course, but it’s funny that it looks like he’s trying to do a yoga pose or something… downward facing dog perhaps?? His crawling has improved in tandem with his “walking” efforts. There’s more equal leg movement and he even does the traditional up-on-all-fours style here and there! I think that we’re still a ways away from actual, honest-to-goodness steps though. The doctor assured us that his progress is normal and that some kids never crawl and go straight to walking. Izaak is right on target with his developmental milestones and we were informed that we shouldn’t be concerned that he doesn’t want to hold his own bottle (why would he when someone else does it for him?!), uses his sippy cup primarily as a percussion instrument, and it’s ok that he doesn’t wave goodbye yet.

We've really got to get our butts in gear and baby-proof the house better. We’ve put in the plastic outlet covers and tried to move as many cords up and away that we are able. We don’t have the sort of kid that you can tell not to do something and they listen. “No-no Izaak, don’t pull on that cord”… “No-NO! Do not touch that cord!!”.. “IZAAK! No cords!!”... I already feel like a broken record. He knows he’s not supposed to play with cords, pull the cat’s tail, or take DVDs/Blurays off their shelves. I know that he knows this because as he goes to do all of these super-fun activities, he turns his head and smiles at me in a way that says, “Haha, Mommy, I’m doing a NO-NO!!”. Is it possible to FEEL your hair turning gray??!

"Check me out! Standing on my own!!"

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Taking the (Mostly) Good with the Bad!

Let's start with some pictures:
Sweet sleeper!

I LOVE this picture! Izaak and his Daddy on Valentine's Day :)


"Yummy puffs, Mom!"


Wreaking havoc.

"Catch me if you can!"

Two wild and crazy dudes!

Monsters, Inc

Izaak adores this Super Grover remote! It makes all kinds of noises and is a great distraction when we switch out one of our remotes or cell phones for this one since his slobber may not be good for such things...

Playing in his walker from the Ellers

Having a super fun time!

Is there ANYTHING sweeter than this?! I don't think so!

Izaak - up thru 8 months <-- check out the latest photobook I made for the kiddo!

Ok, now let's get the "bad" out of the way: Izaak had some fevers last week (except when in the doctor's office, of course) and still isn't feeling tip-top. After some trips to pick up our little snotty boy early from daycare and a couple trips to the pediatrician... we still don't know what is wrong. Unexplained virus of some sort. He is on the mend but poor guy is congested and has been entertaining us with his "whiskey voice". I hope he isn't developing allergies. I'm looking into getting a better vacuum cleaner, a Dyson perhaps (bye-bye tax refund!), our current vacuum barely pushes the dirt and cat hair around anymore. It's seriously pathetic!

Otherwise, things are good! Daycare has been going well, Izaak seems to really enjoy playing with the other kids and having a huge room in which to roll around and terrorize!! My only complaint (and it's a minor one) about daycare is that he often comes home filthy. He's learning to self-feed, somewhat, and it appears that he feels his clothes are famished and deserve a good portion of his food. Since his mother suffers from paranoia and isn't sure what he "is allowed" to eat, it's good that he gets some variety at daycare! Izee still isn't into doing a traditional crawl much but he's sitting up on his own and getting more adept at playing with toys independently. He's sleeping better at night, for the most part, and is still the sweetest thing on the planet.

Last weekend, we drove up to Myrtle Beach for a visit with Izaak's Nana, Papa, Big Papa Leo, Aunt Michelle, Uncle Tim, and cousins Dylan and Aydan (Joe's family) to celebrate Leo's birthday before he heads back up to Erie, PA. He had been staying with Joe's parents (his son and daughter-in-law) for the winter and is set to return home in the next week or so. I wish we had been able to visit more often while he was down!

Since Izaak is nearing 9 months (already!!), I was recently asked which seemed longer: the pregnancy or the time since the baby's arrival. I immediately answered "pregnancy". Man, that was not a walk in the park. Granted, we don't get any sort of regular sleep now and going anywhere with the kiddo is kind of a big production but I wouldn't trade him for the world. As far as adding to our brood... I don't think it's a necessity - at this point in time at least.

I keep meaning to write a post about baby accessories: what we've discovered that we love and what we could've passed on. Maybe next time!