Let's start with some pictures:
Sweet sleeper! |
I LOVE this picture! Izaak and his Daddy on Valentine's Day :) |
Cuties! |
"Yummy puffs, Mom!" |
Playing |
Wreaking havoc. |
"Catch me if you can!" |
Two wild and crazy dudes! |
Monsters, Inc |
Izaak adores this Super Grover remote! It makes all kinds of noises and is a great distraction when we switch out one of our remotes or cell phones for this one since his slobber may not be good for such things... |
Playing in his walker from the Ellers |
Having a super fun time! |
Is there ANYTHING sweeter than this?! I don't think so! |
Izaak - up thru 8 months <-- check out the latest shutterfly.com photobook I made for the kiddo!
Ok, now let's get the "bad" out of the way: Izaak had some fevers last week (except when in the doctor's office, of course) and still isn't feeling tip-top. After some trips to pick up our little snotty boy early from daycare and a couple trips to the pediatrician... we still don't know what is wrong. Unexplained virus of some sort. He is on the mend but poor guy is congested and has been entertaining us with his "whiskey voice". I hope he isn't developing allergies. I'm looking into getting a better vacuum cleaner, a Dyson perhaps (bye-bye tax refund!), our current vacuum barely pushes the dirt and cat hair around anymore. It's seriously pathetic!
Otherwise, things are good! Daycare has been going well, Izaak seems to really enjoy playing with the other kids and having a huge room in which to roll around and terrorize!! My only complaint (and it's a minor one) about daycare is that he often comes home filthy. He's learning to self-feed, somewhat, and it appears that he feels his clothes are famished and deserve a good portion of his food. Since his mother suffers from paranoia and isn't sure what he "is allowed" to eat, it's good that he gets some variety at daycare! Izee still isn't into doing a traditional crawl much but he's sitting up on his own and getting more adept at playing with toys independently. He's sleeping better at night, for the most part, and is still the sweetest thing on the planet.
Last weekend, we drove up to Myrtle Beach for a visit with Izaak's Nana, Papa, Big Papa Leo, Aunt Michelle, Uncle Tim, and cousins Dylan and Aydan (Joe's family) to celebrate Leo's birthday before he heads back up to Erie, PA. He had been staying with Joe's parents (his son and daughter-in-law) for the winter and is set to return home in the next week or so. I wish we had been able to visit more often while he was down!
Since Izaak is nearing 9 months (already!!), I was recently asked which seemed longer: the pregnancy or the time since the baby's arrival. I immediately answered "pregnancy". Man, that was not a walk in the park. Granted, we don't get any sort of regular sleep now and going anywhere with the kiddo is kind of a big production but I wouldn't trade him for the world. As far as adding to our brood... I don't think it's a necessity - at this point in time at least.
I keep meaning to write a post about baby accessories: what we've discovered that we love and what we could've passed on. Maybe next time!